Sunday, July 18, 2010

Santaigo, Frame 75% complete

Good evening everyone, i managed to go to school today and keep working on the frame,Jesse gave me a hand. So far i have two side mebers complete, its just a matter of joining them with the C-channels. Tomorrow, monday, morning, i will swing by the Mcmaster carr showrrom and purchase the casters. Once i get to skool and weld on the c-channels, i will drive to IMS ans order the bottom plates where the wheels will be welded to. I believe i can have this complete definitely by tomorrow evening only if they give me the plates tomorrow, hope they wont have to be a special order. I also plan on purchasing a wire grinding plate and have the whole frame nicely grinded with one finish in the whole frame. Its coming out pretty nice.

1 comment:

  1. Santiago-

    This looks good. Have Ali and Jamilla been helping with the welding/assembly? Did you guys buy the pieces for the telescoping top? Can you get started on that frame also?

