Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Sketches created on 6-23-10

1 comment:

  1. I think we now have a good direction. Just to recap of some of the issues/ideas discussed on Wed:

    1) Horizontal members to be U-channels so they can accomodate rolling castors for sliding panels instead of the sliding channel detail. This will allow for smoother operation and relate to the castor detail at the bottom - you should start looking out for some nice castors.

    2) U-channels can also be used to hook on the side panels.

    3) Pop-up vertical extension structure will be made of vertical telescoping members pulled out of the 4 corner square channels of the main core structure, then held up by a pin-system. U-channel framing will hold the verticals together at the top. 2' high homosote panel will hook on to the top U-channel with 2 feet cantilevers on both sides - additional detailing needed to deal with supporting the sides.

    3) Corner detail where homosote panels meet needs work, considering this is not a permanent corner. We talked about a steel frame around each homosote panel but this does not make sense since when the 4 panels are together in the open position we do not want to see the steel framing in between. So maybe the raw homosote edges make more sense. But still, maybe there is some detail that helps to close up the edges as well as lock the panels in place.

    4) Need some way to lock the sliding sides in place in the closed position so they do not move during transport.

    5) Pop-up structure results in the top U-channel sticking out from the top in the closed position, so there will be two U-channels at the top with a gap in between. Gap size will be determined by how much room you need to hook the panels on to the lower U-channel (the one that is part of the core structure) as well as door height limitations.

    6) Shelving should be completely removable so sizes can be flexible. Take advantage of U-channel structure to hold shelves in place - a series of notches that fit into the U, for example. When the unit is in open position with side panels moved to the front, could we have shelves sticking out from the sides as well?

    7) Make sure all the shelves and additional top homosote panel can all fit into the enclosure. How can they be placed so they are not floating loosely during transport?

    OK, that's all I can think of for now. If anyone has more to add to this please do so. If issues come up as you're working out the details (and there should be many!) please post them on blog so we can all work them out together.

    Check assignments page for this week's requirements.

